Duck Tape® Book Mark
Craft Time: 10-15 MINUTES
You will Need:
- Duck Tape®
- Scissors
- Ruler or Measuring Tape
- Single Hole Punch (optional)
- Wool or Ribbon (optional)
Choose your favourite colour of Duck® Tape and cut two strips each measuring 5 inches in length and make a piece of Duck® Tape fabric out of it.
Note: Refer to Duck Tape®Fabric Sheet Ducktivity for instructions.
Trim off sticky edges and round the corner of the bookmark if so desired.
Use a hole punch to make a hole at the top of the bookmark. Be careful not to make it too close to the top edge.
Loop wool or ribbon through the hole to make a decoration for the top of the bookmark.
Decorate your bookmark with your favourite Duck® Tape colours and designs!